The order can be cancelled up to a day before delivery/pickup date. We charge 10% cancellation charges in any kind of cancellation.
Same day cancellation is not offered, no refund is made for the same.
Make sure to connect within our communication timings, Tuesday - Sunday (11 am to 8 pm).
Please note that in any kind of unforeseen circumstance, La Rosette holds the right to cancel and refund the orders within 48 hours of fulfillment. In any such scenario, the customers will be notified in advance.
Same day cancellation is not offered, no refund is made for the same.
Make sure to connect within our communication timings, Tuesday - Sunday (11 am to 8 pm).
Please note that in any kind of unforeseen circumstance, La Rosette holds the right to cancel and refund the orders within 48 hours of fulfillment. In any such scenario, the customers will be notified in advance.